Rex Gritierson, creator and founder of The Fingerdome shares his philosophy on fingers, along with tips for starting your very own finger garden.
This absurdist mockumentary was written, shot and edited in under 48 hours while in Covid 19 quarantine for the Film Sprint, where it won for Best Effects and was nominated for Best Editing, Best Writing, Best Sound Design, Best Actor and Best Film.
Written, directed, filmed and edited by Sean Pettis.
A courageous goatherder takes steps to protect his beloved daughter from a malevolent witch.
This was a 2020 London Selection to Straight 8, a challenge where the filmmakers must create an entire film using a single cartridge of Super 8, while limited to only in-camera editing. Also, the supporting audio track must be created blindly, then sent off to the folks at Straight 8 where it is dropped in with the film with zero syncing manipulation. When the film is processed and scanned, the filmmaker is invited to see their film for the first time at a live event with the rest of the audience.
Written, directed and filmed by Sean Pettis.
A woman begins to think the reoccurring nightmare about her husband isn't a dream.
This was another film made in under 48 hours for the Film Sprint, where it was nominated for Best Effects and Best Film, while taking home awards for Best Cinematography and Best Sound Design.
Directed, filmed and edited by Sean Pettis.
This is the true story of the first Siberian refugees to be granted asylum in the United States.
Written, directed and animated by Sean Pettis.
Like many, Mildew's allergic to happiness, which is why he'll spend the next hour safely tucked away at his least favorite tavern.
Written, directed, filmed and edited by Sean Pettis.
Finalist at Bengals International and Model N Movie International Short Film Festival. Semi-Finalist at Kathmandu World Film Festival. Official Selection at Oxford Film Festival, Chandler International Film Festival, Mondo Cult Film Variety Showcase, Crypticon Film Festival, Chambal International Film Festival, Berlin Flash Film Festival, Independent Horror Movie Awards + more.
An herbalist's evening of concocting potions and salves is interrupted when a lustful brute forces his way into her secluded hut. The following trauma leaves the woman emboldened and determined to reclaim her independence by any means necessary and thus a legend is born.
Directed by Sean Pettis -
Won best animated film at Hollywood Horrorfest, UnderGround Film Fest and Motor City Nightmares International Film Festival. Was a semi-finalist at the Utah Film Awards. Some official selections include: FilmQuest, Silver Scream Film Festival, Something Wicked Film Festival, Bloodstained Indie Film Festival, Fear Fete Film Festival, Sin City Horror Fest, Spooky Empire's Horror Film Festival, Mill Edgeville Film Festival, Berlin Flash Film Festival, The Monkey Bread Tree Film Awards, Rome Independent Prisma Awards, Independent Talents International Film Festival, Sixth Sense Horror Film Festival + more.
A metaphysical exercise lead to the creation of this film. The character personalities and events were based on the properties associated with stones and musical notes tied to the colors of the rainbow that are emitted from a prism. The score by Jill Tracy and Paul Mercer was created during a live musical scéance. The film's editing was done entirely without the score, so it was an unexpected delight to discover how perfectly the images aligned with the music, as if they were created to support each other.
Directed and filmed by Sean Pettis.
This short was shot and edited in under 24 hours. A vintage lens was modified to get the dreamy light effects. The goal was to create a short with the look and feel of the old, silent films, which had color tinted film strips to simulate color film, when color film was not available.
Directed and filmed by Sean Pettis.
This film was written, shot, edited and scored within 48 hours for the Santa Rosa Film Sprint, where it won best picture, best cinematography and best editing.
Cinematography by Sean Pettis.
Douglas Eastman tells one of his favorite, true stories from his days as a pilot in World War II. The audio was paired with a visual reenactment scaled down to take place in a living room. Some of the props used by the actors were used by Douglas during the war. Just as this film is part documentary and part narrative, it is also a hybrid of Super 8 and digital.
Directed and filmed by Sean Pettis.
After seeing a dehydrated worm flail underneath the burning sun, an elderly woman suddenly becomes obsessed with protecting these seemingly insignificant creatures.
Directed by Sean Pettis -
Won Best Comedy Short at The Silver Scream Film Festival. Placed in the Finalist category at Grand IndieWise Convention and USA Film Festival. Semi-Finalist at Red Ditch Halloween Film Festival and the 41st Elche International Independent Film Festival. Official Selection at CIM Sueca, PDXtreme Portland Underground Film Festival, TIF Video Challenge, Independent Days International Film Festival, No Dialogue Film Festival, Ozark Shorts, La Mano Festival, Boston Underground Film Festival, Fake Flesh Film Fest, Jive Azz Film Fest, Move Me Productions Belgium Film Festival, Legends of Hollywood Film Festival + more.
A woman reflects, while visiting her favorite place.
Featuring Dee Pettis. A film by Sean Pettis.
A man struggles to survive, while lost in the wilds of the urban existence.
This film was written, shot and edited in 48 hours. Directed and filmed by Sean Pettis.
This film was written, shot and edited in under 72 hours for the Four Points Film Project.
Filmed by Sean Pettis. Directed by Kyle Doohan and Giancarlo Tocchini.
Desperately thirsty prisoners plead to persevere in an enclosed, man-made desert.
Directed by Sean Pettis.
Premiered at SF Indie Fest's Another Hole in the Head. Official Selection at Calgary Horror Con and Ozark Shorts.
After Lucifer brings a Christian-killing snail and an enthusiastic devil worshiper together, their friendship leads them on a murderous crusade.
Directed by Sean Pettis.
Premiered at SF Indie Fest's Another Hole in the Head. Official Selection at TIF Video Challenge and the Broken Knuckle Film Festival.
When a husband learns his wife was raped, he is ready to destroy the life of whoever did it.
Directed by Sean Pettis -
Semi-Finalist at Frame by Sound Film Festival. Official Selection at Los Angeles CineFest, Ozark Shorts, TMFF, London Shows International Film Festival, KinoLite International Film and Music Festival, Accolade Global Film Competition + more.
Man Of Her dreams
Rita, who serves as her mother's caregiver fears for her safety when she's told a man entered their secluded cabin the night before.
Directed by Sean Pettis -
Finalist at Northeast Wisconsin Horror Film Festival and Industry Boost Competition. Official Selection at Windsor Independent Film Festival, Hope Film Awards, Indian Peacock International Short Film Festival, Festival de Cortometrajes, Post Mortem Film Festival, Silver Scream Film Festival + more.
DEADLY Diseases of fruit
A fruit doctor explains some common ailments found within the fruit population.
Directed by Sean Pettis -
Too good for film festivals.
welcome back mr buzzcock
Every generation is SLOWER and LESS AWARE than the last...
Directed by: Liz Anderson
Executive Producer: Wylie Herman
Director of Photography: Sean Pettis
A couple can't recall how or when they drifted apart.
This film was created in under 48 hours for the Austin Arthouse Film Festival.